8086 microprocessor

                                 8086 MICROPROCESSOR                           

 #    Pin Diagram/Discription

  1. AD15(Bidirectional) -    Address / Data line.These are low order address bus. They are multiplexed with data.[AD15(high order)-AD0(low order)].                                                                 
  2. A16-A19(High order)-  High order address line, These are multiplexed with  status signal(s3,s4,s5,s6,s7...).
  • A16  and A17 are multiplexed with segment identifier signals  s3 and s4 .         
  • A18 is multiplexed with intrupt status S5.
  •  A19 is multiplexed with status signal S6.
     3. BHE/S(BUS High Inable /status)-

                                      During T1 It is low, It is used to Inable data onto the most segnificant         half  of data bus ,AD to AD15. 8-bit devices connected to upper half of the data bus use BHE signal.

  4. bar  of RD(read)-   This signal is used  for read operation.It is an active when  low.
NOTE:- In which pin have bar sign  means valuse i 0, then it start .vice versa

5. Ready(I/P)-  The address input/output or memory sent Acknowledgement through  this pin.
                          When high indicates that the peripheral is ready to transfer data.
6. RESET - System Reset the signal is active high.

7. CLK/Clock(Input)- CLK  5,8, or 10 mega HZ.
8. INTR(Intrupt request)- if you want to work/stop in mid of  programming  then  you use this.

9. NMI(Input)- Non maskable Intrupt request. [suddenly stop]
10. TEST(Input)- Wait for Test control when it is low.The microprocessor continuous execution otherwise waits.

11. VCC - Power  Supply ,+5 volt DC.




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