

Computer software or simply say software,is a collection of data or computer instructions that tell the computer how to work.

Software are work in computer in four stages:- User,Application software,Operating software, hardware

There are two types of software:-
1).Application software.
2).System software.

I. Application software:-

Application software is a type of software that is design to solve a specific problems of the user or to perform the specific task.
There are different types of application program like-Ms-Excel,word,Powerpoint,Microsoft Access etc.These are generally use in everywhere in school or college.

The application software can be sub-divided into two types-
1).Tailored or Customized software.
2).General or packaged software.

1.Tailored or Customized software:-

Sometimes companies,organization or an individual needs specific types of software to solve specific problems companies or individual programmer to develop a custom software that meets the requirement to solve there problem.These types of software are knows as Tailored software.
2.General or packaged software:-

General software are those types of software that are mode by software companies to solve the general problems of people.
It is not tailored to meet the specific requirement of specific people,it rather targets all the people that might have similar type of problem.
Example:-Typing letters,Writing an essay,Sorting data ,picture editing etc.

II. System software:-

The type of computer programe that is designed to operates a computer hardware and application program is knows as System software.
The main function of system software is to create a bridge between computer system hardware and application software.

Function of system software:-
Monitoring the use of all the hardware components.
providing an easy and efficient interaction between the computer and user.
Communication with the peripheral devices such as a Scanner,Printer,Webcam.
Managing files and folder.
providing platform for application software ,security,

The system software can be divided into four sub-types:-
1).Operating system,
2).Utility software.
3).Device drive software.

1.Operating System:-

An operating system is a type of software that helps to establish communication between computer hardware and other software.
Application programs access input/output devices or execution program instruction through operating system.
Operating system are generally make by c(high level computer programming) and Assembly language(low level computer programming).

Some of the basic takes performed by the operating system are:
-Operating system manages input and output.
-It is responsible managing all the program.
-It manages and controls all hardware peripheral and coordinate them with other program.
-It manages the primary memory.
-It provides security to the computer system.
-It manages files,document and folder.

2.Utility software:-

It is a types of software which is used for maintenance of computer system.
This software plays a vital role in making the computer function property .special jobs like-formatting disk,virus cleaning defragmentation etc.


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